Friends of Northwest Classen has evolved into an organization dedicated to the improvement of our alma mater and the people who are the Mighty Knights. The timeline below will help explain the beginnings and the evolution of the Friends of Northwest Classen Foundation.
A special thank you to all who have contributed to Friends of NWC and the Alumni Association. We have received over $2 million with outside donations of an additional $1.5 million. The Maps for Kids Oklahoma City tax program invested $12 million, repairing and updating the campus. But there are many special needs that need funding. Your contributions are very important.
Please read about how we started and where we are going.
In 2003
Jim Robinson got his buddies together and played golf in memory of their friend and classmate, Ray Moss (Class of ’63). Jim recruited Bob Griggs in 2004 and 2005 to help and together they raised approximately $5,000 to contribute to NWC.
In 2006
Jim and Bob solicited help from Lynne Hardin and Vicki Roark, who have experience with non-profit foundations and raising money.
On June 4, 2006 the “FRIENDS of Northwest Classen High School Foundation” was given 501c3 tax exempt status from the IRS. Many more “FRIENDS” showed up and NWC alumni gave of their time, talents, and money to make the golf tournament a success.
In 2008
“A Knight to Remember Homecoming” was added to the Sunday evening prior to the golf tournament on Monday. It’s a great way to keep in touch with other grads on an annual basis, as well as contribute to FRIENDS of NWC if you do not play golf. This has become an outstanding evening in the past three years. It includes foods from the best of Oklahoma City’s restaurants,“A Taste of OKC for NWC”, live entertainment, auction, and an evening full of fun, friendship, and reminiscing.
In 2012
Cliff and Leslie Hudson, both NWC alumni, donated $500,000 for the renovation of the auditorium to raise it to performance hall standard. This new OKC venue not only benefits the students and the community but generates funds for the Foundation. In 2011 Friends of NWC signed an agreement with the Oklahoma City Board/District for Friends to manage the Hall. Oklahoma City Maps for Kids project dedicated $2 million to renovate the auditorium. A fundraising campaign was initiated for alumni and Friends of NWC to sponsor a chair for either $500 or $1,000. An additional $250,000 was raised. The auditorium is now a world class performance hall with state of the art acoustics and sound system. The Hall was renamed the Hudson Performance Hall. It was dedicated on September 16, 2012 with a concert by Vince Gill, The Mojo Men, Bill Maxwell and other NWC alumni. For more information go to: http://hudsonperformancehall.com
Alumni Association: During the creation and development of Friends of NWC the Alumni Association continued serving alums with a newsletter and alumni events. The $15 membership donation supported these efforts. In 2013 it was determined that there was a duplication of energies and the Alumni Association merged with Friends of NWC. Friends became both the Fundraising arm benefitting students and teachers and the Information arm providing a platform for communication with students, teachers and alumni.
Donate Now: All donations are directed to teacher requests. Friends’ dedication is to ensure the quality of the High School experience much like many of us experienced through the years. Please help us assist the teachers and students in achieving this goal. Please make an annual donation by mailing your check to Friends of NWC, PO Box 20972, Oklahoma City, OK 73156 or click on this link: