Grants Funded 2016-17
Grammar workbooks to enable students to write and speak well | $1950 |
Document camera for ESL students to be interactive with teacher | $490 |
Sent orchestra to San Antonio to compete and learn | $1000 |
Freshman field trip to OKC National Memorial Museum | $600 |
Purchase amplifiers for classical guitar class to perform | $800 |
Physic books for advanced Physics class | $4500 |
Texas Instruments math calculators for advanced math and testing | $1100 |
Test supplies for science lab for creative learning | $700 |
Sent classical guitar students to Austin to compete | $1450 |
Tackling dummies for the football team | $540 |
LED lighting for the Little Theater | $1500 |
Fake money and supplies to teach students financial literacy | $200 |
3Doodler pens and supplies for creative writing class | $990 |
Fellowes deluxe paper shredder and stapler for “Red Hall Pro’s” business project for students with multiple disabilities | $1400 |
Gloves for the goalies on the soccer team | $450 |
Soccer practice jerseys for 50 boys | $1000 |
Music stand storage cart and bouncy bands for desks | $570 |
Bingo games, art materials & computer speakers for ESL classes | $520 |
Christmas books to teach ESL students about American holidays | $450 |
Purchase classical guitars for new guitar classes | $5000 |
Stability balls for ESL classes to increase student focus | $540 |
Health Academy internships | $10,000 |
Soccer uniforms | $2500 |
Dry erase lapboard, Harry Potter book series for ESL/ELD students | $750 |
Weights, track hurdles, water bottles, fitness gear for girls sports | $1000 |
Volleyballs | $360 |
Mural for music room wall | $700 |
Guitar textbooks and performance music | $360 |
Cool drink station and water bottles for sports | $470 |
Fees for piano contest and transportation | $1500 |
T-shirts for Native American club | $250 |
This is what FRIENDS is all about…
Alumni volunteers spend months planning the weekend of fundraising events. Staff and Faculty at NWC submit proposals for basics and enhancements to educate our future at NWC Those needs often exceed monies raised and the Grant Committee must make some very difficult decisions each year. The Grant Committee meets, visits the school, phones and emails teachers, checks on orders and investigates the best deal they can find. They calculate and recalculate to do their very best to spend the funds raised by so many FRIENDS of NWC in the most equitable way possible.
After six annual fundraising events, Friends has:
- Given over $300,000 directly in grants to NWC for programs and equipment.
- Created an endowment at The Communities Foundation of Oklahoma to benefit the future of NWC.
- Built a strong alliance and supportive relationship with the principal, the dedicated staff and faculty at NWC and the Oklahoma City School Board.
- Started a Capital Campaign to create a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Theatre at NWC in conjunction with MAPS for Kids renovations underway at this time.